Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) | ||||||||||||||
Last update: November 29th, 2024 | ||||||||||||||
COSTA RICA | ||||||||||||||
Advance Release Calendar | ||||||||||||||
Contact person: | ||||||||||||||
Peggy Barrantes Pereira | Marco Antonio Zúñiga Gómez | Robert Alexander Jiménez González | ||||||||||||
División Económica | División Económica | División Económica | ||||||||||||
Banco Central de Costa Rica | Banco Central de Costa Rica | Banco Central de Costa Rica | ||||||||||||
Teléfono: (506) 2243-3348 | Teléfono: (506) 2243-3348 | Teléfono: (506) 2243-3273 | ||||||||||||
Fax: (506) 2243-3246 | Fax: (506) 2243-3246 | Fax: (506) 2243-3246 | ||||||||||||
Email: sdde@bccr.fi.cr | Email: sdde@bccr.fi.cr | Email: sdde@bccr.fi.cr | ||||||||||||
Release * | ||||||||||||||
category (and, if different, national descriptor) |
Notes | Jan/25 | Feb/25 | Mar/25 | Apr/25 | May/25 | Jun/25 | Jul/25 | Aug/25 | Sep/25 | Oct/25 | Nov/25 | Dec/25 | Jan/26 |
REAL SECTOR | ||||||||||||||
accounts (Quarterly GDP) |
31 (Q4 24) |
30 (Q1 25) |
30 (Q2 25) |
30 (Q3 25) |
index (Monthly Economic Activity Index) |
10 (11/24) |
11 (12/24) |
10 (01/25) |
11 (02/25) |
09 (03/25) |
11 (04/25) |
11 (05/25) |
11 (06/25) |
11 (07/25) |
10 (08/25) |
12 (09/25) |
12 (10/25) |
9 (11/25) |
Labor market: employment | 6 (Q4 24) |
9 (Q1 25) |
8 (Q2 25) |
6 (Q3 25) |
Labor market: unemployment | 6 (Q4 24) |
9 (Q1 25) |
8 (Q2 25) |
6 (Q3 25) |
market: wages/earnings (Average monthly salaries) |
6 (Q4 24) |
9 (Q1 25) |
8 (Q2 25) |
6 (Q3 25) |
Price indices: Consumer Price Index | 08 (12/24) |
07 (01/25) |
08 (02/25) |
07 (03/25) |
08 (04/25) |
06 (05/25) |
07 (06/25) |
07 (07/25) |
05 (08/25) |
07 (09/25) |
07 (10/25) |
08 (11/25) |
8 (12/25) |
Manufacture producer price index | 08 (12/24) |
07 (01/25) |
08 (02/25) |
07 (03/25) |
08 (04/25) |
06 (05/25) |
07 (06/25) |
07 (07/25) |
05 (08/25) |
07 (09/25) |
07 (10/25) |
08 (11/25) |
8 (12/25) |
FISCAL SECTOR | ||||||||||||||
government or public sector operations (Nonfinancial public sector operations) |
28 (2024) |
Central government operations | 2/ | NLT/20 (12/24) |
NLT/20 (01/25) |
NLT/20 (02/25) |
NLT/20 (03/25) |
NLT/20 (04/24) |
NLT/20 (05/25) |
NLT/18 (06/24) |
NLT/20 (07/24) |
NLT/19 (08/24) |
NLT/20 (09/24) |
NLT/20 (10/24) |
NLT/19 (11/24) |
NLT/20 (12/24) |
government debt (Public debt) |
21 (12/24) |
21 (01/25) |
21 (02/25) |
21 (03/25) |
21 (04/25) |
23 (05/25) |
21 (06/25) |
21 (07/25) |
22 (08/25) |
21 (09/25) |
21 (10/25) |
22 (11/25) |
21 (12/25) |
FINANCIAL SECTOR | ||||||||||||||
accounts of the banking sector |
16 (12/24) |
18 (01/25) |
16 (02/25) |
18 (03/25) |
16 (04/25) |
17 (05/25) |
16 (06/25) |
18 (07/25) |
16 (08/25) |
16 (08/25) |
18 (10/25) |
16 (11/25) |
19 (12/25) |
accounts of the Central Bank |
08 (12/24) |
07 (01/25) |
08 (02/25) |
07 (03/25) |
08 (04/25) |
06 (05/25) |
07 (06/25) |
07 (07/25) |
05 (08/25) |
07 (09/25) |
07 (10/25) |
08 (11/25) |
8 (12/25) |
Interest rates | Daily | |||||||||||||
market: share price index (Stock Index of the National Securities Exchange) |
Daily | |||||||||||||
Release * | ||||||||||||||
category (and, if different, national descriptor) |
Notes | Jan/25 | Feb/25 | Mar/25 | Apr/25 | May/25 | Jun/25 | Jul/25 | Aug/25 | Sep/25 | Oct/25 | Nov/25 | Dec/25 | Jan/26 |
EXTERNAL SECTOR | ||||||||||||||
Balance of payments | 31 (Q4 24) |
30 (Q1 25) |
30 (Q2 25) |
30 (Q3 25) |
reserves and foreign currency liquidity |
Official reserve assets | 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 (27/12, 01/03, 01/10, 01/17, 01/24) |
4, 11, 18, 25 (01/31, 02/07, 02/14, 02/21) |
7, 14, 21, 28 (01/03, 01/10, 01/17, 01/24) |
4, 11, 18, 25 (01/31, 02/07, 02/14, 02/21) |
6, 13, 20, 27 (05/02, 05/09, 05/16, 05/23) |
3, 10, 17, 24 (05/30, 06/06, 06/13, 06/20) |
1, 8, 15, 22, 29 (06/27, 07/04, 07/11, 07/18, 07/25) |
5, 12, 19, 26 (08/01, 08/08, 08/15, 08/22) |
2, 09, 16, 23, 30 (08/29, 09/05, 09/12, 09/19, 09/26) |
7, 14, 21, 28 (10/03, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24) |
4, 11, 18, 25 (11/31, 11/07, 11/14, 11/21) |
2, 9, 16, 23, 30 (11/28, 11/05, 11/12, 11/19, 011/26) |
6, 13, 20, 27 (01/02, 01/09, 01/16, 01/23) |
Reserves template | 21 (12/24) |
21 (01/25) |
21 (02/25) |
21 (03/25) |
21 (04/25) |
23 (05/25) |
21 (06/25) |
21 (07/25) |
22 (08/25) |
21 (09/25) |
21 (10/25) |
22 (11/25) |
21 (12/25) |
Merchandise trade | 21 (12/24) |
21 (01/25) |
21 (02/25) |
21 (03/25) |
21 (04/25) |
23 (05/25) |
21 (06/25) |
21 (07/25) |
22 (08/25) |
21 (09/25) |
21 (10/25) |
22 (11/25) |
21 (12/25) |
International investment position (IIP) | 31 (Q4 24) |
30 (Q1 25) |
30 (Q2 25) |
30 (Q3 25) |
External Debt Position | 31 (Q4 24) |
30 (Q1 25) |
30 (Q2 25) |
30 (Q3 25) |
Exchange rates (reference rate) | Dairy | |||||||||||||
POPULATION | 1/ | 28 (2022) |
* Release dates can be specified as a specific date, a range of dates, or a no-later-than (NLT) date. The period (or date) to which data to be released relate is shown in parentheses. | ||||||||||||||
2023 Holidays: January 1, April 11, April 17-18, May 1, Julio 25, August 2, August 15, September 15, December 1, December 25. | ||||||||||||||
1/ Annual | ||||||||||||||
2/ Costa Rica is taking a calendar flexibility for the one-week ahead dissemination of the precise release date for the central government operations data. | ||||||||||||||
3/ First estimation | ||||||||||||||
All dates are expected dates of release and are subject to change. | ||||||||||||||